Our Roots
The Nutriva Group story all started with a local farm boy Bill Vanderkooi, who went off to college and returned as an MSc graduate. Upon his return, he and his business partner developed and produced a dairy cow supplement called NutriChlor. A few years later, the production moved to a mill and, in 2000, Bill established his first company Nutritech Solutions which later became part of Nutriva Group. From there, we’ve continued to grow and add to our lineup of service offerings.
Nutriva originates from the words – Nutrition and Innovation. Nutriva Group first came together in 2009, bringing together business units in the Feed, Farm and Food sectors.
As a parent company, Nutriva Group provides systems, training, and support to all it’s business units; by using a proprietary Playbook framework focusing on Strategy, Operations, People and Finance. We believe that the entrepreneurial nature of our group is a catalyst for change and growth.

Improving health and well-being through innovation and collaboration

Making a difference for the common good.

Be open & honest, create a win-win, find a solution and make a difference
Our Timeline